In April 2004 we went with Casey & Tanis to Panama for Easter break. The first day we drove a couple hours outside of Panama City to witness the re-enactment of the walk to the cross and the crucifixion. This was an all day event (completely in Spanish so it's a good thing we all went to Sunday school and knew the story!) that culminated in a parade at the end of the night with various statues of Christ being carried throughout the streets.

And what is a trip to Panama without seeing the Panama Canal? Here we are at the Miraflores Locks (the Pacific entrance the waterway) We were all amazed how narrow the locks really are. Not a lot of maneuvering room for a big ship!

Casey convinced us all that it would be a good idea to go rappelling down waterfalls. So we trekked into the jungle in Panama with a few local guides and gave it a whirl. After getting over the initial fear of falling to our death, we had an awesome time. This was our 3rd waterfall and Wade is a pro by this time! See him way down there?

A little friend we found along the way to the next waterfall. Well not really....learned from our guides that this is the deadliest snake in central America. Kendra...this picture is for you. I had to talk Wade out of wrapping him up and sending him home to you for Christmas.

Almost at the end! We really had no choice because once we were down the first, we had to keep going as there was no way back. Once we finished the rappelling we had to walk out through a river bed to a boat that was waiting for us on the other side. Unfortunately the river had dried up and so we were trekking through mud up to our thighs. We eventually had to give up and take another route. In the meantime, Tanis was bit by some fire ants (we think) and had a severe allergic reaction. We were all pretty worried, especially when the boat was not waiting for us. We all envisioned Tanis being airlifted out of the jungle! But all ended well...the boat showed up, Tanis got some medicine...and then we drank $0.25 beers. What a deal!